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Analysis report in a sentence

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Sentence count:30Posted:2018-06-04Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: misreportanalysisjob analysismarginal analysisin the final analysiscost analysisdata analysisself-analysis
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1. The analysis reported here has been motivated by investigations of high-frequency cellular oscillators with periods of the order of minutes or less.
2. Accordingly, we lump together the group and individual responses in the analyses reported below.
3. Update hotel manpower analysis report by week.
4. Cost Analysis report submitted to the manager.
5. Preparing cost analysis report monthly.
6. Deliver failure analysis report.
7. Provide failure analysis report in assisting factory or supplier to carry out continuous improvement on production.
8. APAR: The Authorized Program Analysis Report (in short: APAR) is an IBM internal formal report to development, to report program malfunctions.
9. Objective Reform the current drug certificate of analysis report and its conclusions.
10. Studying his sales analysis report, a business user analyzes Revenue by Customer, Revenue by Product, and Customer Revenue Ranking.
11. Product Analysis Report is completed ( if applicable ) .
12. Providing daily operational analysis report to relevant personals and project managers.
13. APAR (Authorized Program Analysis Report) is a 7-character identifier for a known defect in IBM software.
14. Please submit your Physical Variance Analysis Report to us no later than this Friday.
15. Prepare analysis report on staffing including turnover rate, interview data, monthly recruiting status and etc.
16. Provide different requirement cost analysis report after the Mmapics shutdown in month - end.
17. Finish monthly finance analysis, cost analysis report, and provide suggestion to management personnel.
18. Provide market information and analysis report for developing Indirect Material Purchasing strategy.
19. Results The accurate cost - accounting report and benefit analysis report for equipment were created.
20. Methods To analyze the existing problems about the current drug certificate of analysis report in drugs supervision system.
20. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
21. The problem is determined to be a software defect and Support creates a Change Request in RATLC, which generates an Authorized Program Analysis Report (APAR).
22. Deliver periodic report of Supplier service level report, material shortage delivery plan, stock coverage analysis report, and coordinate teamwork to implement actions on continuous improvement.
23. A Conventional Fix Pack Process begins with the identification of the recommended list of Authorized Program Analysis Report (APAR) Fixes that would be going into the Fix Pack.
24. Monitor new products put into production according to Appropriation Request, and give out analysis report on the angle of finance.
25. Responsible for administration expense cost control and submit the analysis report on a monthly base.
26. As a brand mastermind, we also consider the brand analysis report and brand promotion plan.
27. Implement and redevelop Cost center and cost accounting control and provide cost analysis report.
28. Produced by a Japanese Tezuka fans. It is an analysis report of "Tezuka Osama Complete Manga Works". A list of all 242 "Black Jack" stories is included.
29. Prepare receivable account timely analysis and detail report and all relevant receivable account analysis report monthly.
30. Responsible for Company Investment project budget control, project cost follow up and analysis report.
More similar words: misreportanalysisjob analysismarginal analysisin the final analysiscost analysisdata analysisself-analysisrisk analysisdimensional analysistrend analysismicroanalysismedia analysisratio analysiserror analysissystem analysispsychoanalysispolicy analysismarket analysiswhat-if analysisfactor analysiseconomic analysiscontent analysisbusiness analysisvertical analysischemical analysisin the last analysisfinancial analysismarketing analysisbreak-even analysis
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